My life in an instant, black and white, to see if it helps me clarify.
Things are going well:
- My family and friends. I care, anyway. I have them there and I have to me and are an important reference point for me. Many times I feel my life changing around me and try to crawl like a stream, but some people are always there to offer a foothold.
- Ana loves me and does not want to miss.
- I lost weight, but this time for real, and I lost it. I look more handsome and thinner and
this Saturday I've been told two people motu proprio. I'm improving my stamina and I tire less (much less) doing things like running behind the bus, climbing stairs or why not say fuck, activity for which I no longer bothered by the stomach. I am very happy about this.
- 'm controlling, but this time for real, my alcohol intake. Month and a half ago I did not get drunk, not even staying a Saturday until six o'clock, which is very, very well. This also improves my performance copulative, indeed.
- I have clear career development prospects in this company & amp; iacute; ay this department. I feel a bit like when I entered RRFG, but bridging the gap between a company of 60 employees and a 25,000 ...
- My direct boss is concerned and interested in my status in the company (to the extent offset , in what may, the anger that I held with P & C earlier this month).
- Overall things could go much, much worse.
- My finances improve. I think. I have the impression that life has gone a bit silly in recent months, because I do not think Masy instead spend no more ... I see save
CHT MLXC Things that go wrong:
- I still do not resolve my issue with God. Going forward but it is very, very difficult. I know everyone is a little tired of this topic, but it is very important to me. Without God I do not see clearly either the origin or the purpose of my existence and, although I am too practical to fall into nihilism, I become more materialistic alternative (see, I have no choice ...), ma s demanding in both quantity and quality, more impatient and more ruthless.
- I lost the ability to be satisfied with what I have compared my situation with how bad the country & eacute, in 2005. I am becoming more ambitious, I want more of everything. In some aspects it is good (health, for example), sometimes not. May be related to point 1 or not.
- feel that Ana opens doors and close and crosses or does not understand that I prefer to be closed if they are not going to cross. An open door that no cross is a source of frustration, a closed door is simply a closed door. I'm also worried about her in various fields. I am concerned that you take your health or your career seriously enough, which does not mean what I would call "serious" and, tangentially, I would like to arrangemore (if I analyzed a bit I suppose that in carried Dad means I want to draw me more.) I can not and must not try to control this point.
- I lack even a point to fully control my alcohol intake. I've come a long way and I'm doing very well, but I have not gotten to where I want to be. However, I believe that this issue will continue to improve to be fully resolved by mid-November.
- Coexistence Dungeon is improved and lately I'm getting real (literal) headaches. If not for Ana I would live alone and manage my space and privacy in peace. This issue shouldwould improve or be resolved in the next month.
- I feel that I am not able to overcome my constraints. I feel that I am not really aware of my wishes, and I know I will not mention many of which I am aware, both so vital ("I shape my life in this way") as cr &; Iacute; policy ("I want to do this right now), mainly in terms of emotional and sexual, and that thirty years of Catholicism are many. I still have the stupid consolation in the face of surprise that many people will read this.
- The company still seems new and unstable. They are too big to have a process management as shockingly indefinitely. Many people much more senior than me agree.
Things to do:
- Continue to monitor and minimizing my intake of alcohol.
- Continue with my diet and my program dand exercise. Think of something to the upper trunk ("weights?). Schedule
- correctly my afternoons, spending regular time to read and write.
- Dedicate at least one day a month to see those of my own, both by blood and by choice, who see little.
- Continue working with the counter-programming. Talk more with Ana
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