Getting to Yes is a manual that I have read material prior to a negotiation that we will give members of the legal department at in Hestia fortnight or so. The truth is that it is an interesting book that reads almost alone, and gives various ways to negotiate that to me have been good since I have read and I've already used two or three times. Be not deceived: it is a book to negotiate, to bargain or to get away with it. The first thing is to get away from defending what he calls "positional bargaining " and quand would mean something like positional bargaining (that kind of negotiation that we are all used and are intended as I have this position, you have that and we'll see in any average dependent on our negotiating skills, interest in closing the deal, market position, etc.) to go to the "principled negotiation " or principled negotiation, which They try to reach a fair agreement , ie a two consideréis resolution that is fair and not have to be in the starting positions. For this suggests centrarse on objective criteria (eg the market value of the thing traded) and not to negotiate on the basis of the object, but of principles. For example, instead of saying "Ten dinars filthy that lamp! You must be crazy! "Saying" Why do you think that ten dinars is a fair price? "And proceed from there. It also means that it is a must- all in this type of literature, has sold about twenty million copies and writers have become a trading gurus. Personally I found it interesting, really, know how to negotiate is useful even for ... what sand I, for linking or live with your partner (particularly the concept of BATNA - Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement ). If you do not have a degree in marketing or something like that I recommend at Amazon be purchased for six euro ridiculous. The English version is called Get Yes, and has a second part (I think I read) called Getting Past No and certainly comes in handy for you to link ....
The Dead Costume is birthday gift
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