In June, Ana bought seven books of Terry Pratchett, some who had not read, others who do, and that has given leading travel since the Discworld.
Monstrous Regiment, nominated for the Locus 2004, is one that I had not read. It is one of the books "extravagant" Discworld, in the sense that is not in any major story lines (the Guard, the Witches, Rincewind, etc.) Although there are guest appearances by various members Guard and William de Worde. Talk of war and women,which can lead to religious fanaticism of the clergy (both the official religion as true cases). The action takes place mostly in Borogravia, a small country suspiciously reminiscent of Serbia, in a region very suspiciously reminiscent of the Balkans. A plot could be summarized as "Mulan in the Discworld" if Mulan had met someone who knew as much headology Jackrum Sergeant, who would rather see Guard someday. It's good, but the storyline is pretty Pira fetched.
Guards! G "uardías? is rereading, of course. At the time was my favorite book of the Discworld and the book that I laughed more than ever, now I guess I've read so much money Pratchett that surprised me less. Is still very good and it is crucial for fans of the series, introducing the same characters as the great Sam Vimes, Carrot, Nobbby Nobbs and Fred Colon. Priceless scenes as the dungeon of Patrick and reflections on humanity dragon.
Men at Arms is another book of the Guard, also re-reading, also recommended as all Pratchetts. Angua von Presents & uuml; Berwald and marks the entry of Detritus in the Guard (if you stop to think about it, Detritus is probably the character who appears in more books Mundidisco after Death, and its first appearance in the Colour of Magic). About the power and authority and how power changes people. Already said the Trinca: Give a man a uniform and you look over your shoulder, give a cheer and think he is entitled to use, adds a peaked cap and can not wait to do so. So we will not explain what happens when you give a gun ... Wyrd
, unlike Guards! "Guards? wins with each rereading that I make. Granny Weatherwax is such a priceless like Sam Vimes, and the introduction to this book as his sidekick Nanny Ogg (and I thought life was said adláter) puts a bright snap to your personality . Another book whose main plot could be summarized in one sentence, "MacBeth in Discworld, but has other issues like the Shakespearean play Hamlet. It is also a book in which Pratchett returns to play with the idea of memes and the importance of words as a vehicle for ideas that shape the personality and world view, they may haveer. This is the essential.
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