Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Fibro Myalgia More Condition_symptoms Lack of privacy

I have just five days off and I'm starting to feel the suffocation in the chest and a desire to want to scream and back to the office. Face it, except for the fact that I have to see clients, this is no vacation.

And I very badly the house of my parents.

I'm used to being alone, to do what I please, and above all to be quiet. I can not stand, it really can not stand it, anyone entering the room where I am, although the door is closed. This does not matter, there are no barriers. Damn, and I sometimes I feel like shutting out the world, write or read for a while, whatever, without being under the scrutiny of prying eyes. Not that I like solitude, but from there the company continued there is a stretch. Tampoco hold music you listen quietly and three noses amount bearing the helmets, which are made to talk and have to stop doing my thing. I have pretty bad one to decide for me and hold my menus if I blame food on the plate, and, worst of all, I have to say where, with whom and why.

not stand regression to adolescence that is living in my parents' house.

I think I was born to live in my own apartment (when I say I own one I mean , can be rented) I need my privacy, my space, and here there is none. I want you, if I give my space, I give in, and I do not impose the transfer. I wantrun out of vacation.

In October I will have to go somewhere, three weeks here would be too much for my patience. I always did appreciate the privacy, to have my space, and since I live one more. That's sharing everything with the family is not going 100% with me. Yes, I am reserved. But let me have at least one shell, pussy.


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