Monday, July 28, 2008

Rapid Wall Perimeter Skirting System By Rustique Me Faça bem - Saulo Fernandes


Mais Não quero pra wait to see you or
Eu sei eu quero Não vou save

Tudo pra mim Só Eu

Afogados me,
confusing Com medo em hitting theories
I love Antigos

From Accrediting
Thinking em livros e Desejo você você me Because face

E é bem bonito
you want

Sei agora você Quero Amanhã
to go embora Você
prune Prune EU would be that
For me Faça isso bem

Me Love Me Faça
O tempo happy for ...

Well, I hope you forgive me the audacity to "borrow" the poem blog author , which, incidentally, also have there left on the links ("And me why I did not study marketing and advertising?) say that I have chosen this poem for three reasons. The first, the poetry itself is very pretty, and a long time since we put no poetry in this blog, that of the pearls chosen others, only one attempted murder of Poetry itself, so touched. The second is that it defines a little-pretty-much what I'm feeling now. But we'll talk another day, when my friends just to psychoanalyze and overwhelm me tips and I make a decision, probably the oppositeto what I say because I feel like it. And finally, I chose the poem because so much work with them I am taking a baby from milk to the poems of Paul. I told you I was doing two books of poems, one for me and one to give in Portugal (if the end comes, it seems that, although my usual cojonera fly, or Tita Pau, keep telling me sure they know each other and leaving a gaping hole in the agenda the second half of August). As the project has the wind in their sails. Despite the hours I'm getting into. I got my best calligraphy of the Franciscans of Montpellier, who was going to tell me at this stage of life was going to get something positive from the years of kindergarten to the nuns, fijate you.

Speaking a little of the book, it is becoming very cool, I'm falling completely on him, will cost me give a kidney, but, well as I have another ... Since my apartment is dismantled (for dinner today was just mayonnaise, zero coca-cola and juice, so obviously I have not eaten) and I have much to do here, tomorrow I'll go out shooting. He had thought about buying those stickers so cool golden butterfly where Art Book (Book mega famous people of my parents, the only one stationery assortment of things really nice and I had nurtured pens, books and such) but I thinkor as is too gay. Well, I have time to make a decision. Is that, working on the book, truth, thought more about what I would have liked me in adolescence have something like this, with thirteen or fourteen, and I saw there, small, and the truth, I was working with my adolescent ego as the consignee. Those wonderful years in which I, thinking of David, my crush at the time, also wrote poems in notebooks ... Infamous poems, moreover, could never write anything as good as this. Well, by that time I discovered the poetry, I read a lot, you know? It had its good side. And I begin to transcribe the poems, I remember those days with affection, innocence and naivete that I had, andI end the book more for the girl or other girls who will someday be teenagers, Ruth, Bruna, Amanda, or mine, if someday I have that to give it away. So I have to meditate on the layout, photos and stuff. So it is not so fussy.

The book, on the other hand, is making me a greater good, which is keeping me busy in the midst of chaos. I do not think the issue in the floor or other hard feelings that drive me crazy.

And finally, to apologize for "borrowing" the poem. It was for a good cause, and put the author, but I hope not cause any nuisance or any annoyance. It's so nice that I could not resistirme. And today, when copied, but did not think that I had to put on the blog. But again, sorry if bothered. And if need be, just let me know and I remove it.
By the way ... Would say that in my life have I worked so hard on anything, not even campaigning, but it would be a lie. There was a time I worked more than the book. Does anyone besides me remember some shirts embroidered with sequins for a concert that was held in the end there? That's it. Of course, the book is easier to make (write and knew, no embroidery) and yes you could say I've never worked in the office much at all, or any other work you've had before.


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