Last week the El Pais newspaper published an article (the first of a series) about the Lost Generation or Generation Nini or as we like to call young people to-day today are between 25 and 35 years, who speaks in first person (it is written by journalists under 35 years) of the feelings of these young people to the situation where found. Reactions have been waiting and both Zalasar as Julio César Ortega posted on their blogs two articles tol respect. And I read everything and think.
I think I do not know if I am one of these young people or not. The arbitrary fork between 25 and 35 I do not hunt for a Anoy I too have seen well, as they are, s
obrecualificado for half of jobs for which they interview and not getting enough experience for the other half. I also had, years ago, which put him on my CV so many cuts to create the expression ridiculum vitae : I had never created my own company with 21 years or hadnegotiated distribution agreements with U.S. companies (in English, of course) with 23, and had served as independent counsel from 26, and had been the Director of Operations across the extended enterprise Spain with 27, and I had a scholarship to a prestigious IMBA and, of course, under no circumstances had been a university professor under 30. No, I had been, at best, the wizard of all those people (and the university, not to mention it). But the fact is that put him based on those cuts, both curriculum as my expectations , & nbsp; cuts more like the Claymore Navas Alfonso VIII in, among other things that hurt, gradually got back into the labor market and progress, based on patience and effort and be Well, to my current situation.
I think of the rage with which he writes Zalasar about people "from their jobs that two thousand euros per month , we say that we stop chasing the impossible and we resign ourselves to the reality "and while I understand and I share their anger, because I touched it , I am mentioned because I have one of those jobs (1) and often give similar advice, among other things because I have worked as well, although I sent them fry monkeys almost all my dreams of youth, I've gotten in enough material to do without ma , s for myself.
I think the term "left skin achieve their dreams" and, after finding that I keep most of my skin, I wonder if I very stupid or very clever to replanteármelo all so fast. I wonder if I adapted to the environment and make ready or if I gave up without a fight as they cowards. Zal handle says he is tired of political and social Darwinism, that of "adjusting survive" and I think I'm sick of gravity and also certain that Neanderthals eventually tired of Darwinism, but that both gravity and evolution by natural selection is inevitable
I think, however, the idea that humanity progresses based on dreams and revolutions and see my opinion on the matter has not changed since I was fifteen. The story, as my father, can recount the deeds of heroes dead, but is written by cowards alive. The great ideas may result from the minds of dreamers, but if they ever be implemented to some extent they are by people wake up with feet on the ground. And revolutions are, without exception (2) , medium-term failures (3) . Quiet, quiet, parsimony. Analyze the situation and conclude "what I want is impossible right now" does not necessarily mean that one is a conformist. What's more, deny the possibility that what you want is impossible or very difficult, if not dependent on one, or not worth the effort to be devoted to have a chance, is a very dangerous kind of bigotry to yourself. Not accept the realityis to surrender and surrender is not defeated. Who pays lives to fight another day, but who die, die. Anyone who surrenders can be screwed, but who dies only is dead.
I think the amount of Ninis I know, against Zalasar says he does not know any. It's fascinating, because I do, and she knows many of them. Looking around me, I know of one that would nini if it did not work I looked for him. I know one who is completely nini and proud of it. I know that probably the dean of Ninis. I can think of three four of six casesLeninism posh, people who say that studies or who says he works but in reality are limited to enroll in something (year after year, I add) to say they are studying, or working Waiter few hours over the weekend (and not "traipsing polygons," I add) to say they are working (and, linking with La Sopa Boba, the more subsidized is n-by parents, primarily, the worse and worst cases have solutions). At least half of them are so self-deluded , so convinced they are doing the right thing, "waiting for their chance", etc.., Que if they read this they would not feel alluded to, and that's not even counting all those who have a job but he is trailing by as little as possible, without interest or to improve, but complaining at each step of which is its despotic leader. Maybe it is that she moves between the elite and I among the dross, of course, but I can not believe it. Sorry, but I think that Strauss-Khan analysis is broadly correct.
And I think my brave, brilliant, stubborn and absolutely brilliant sister, who belongs to the generation nini or lost generation or whatever you want to call, and I think that belongs to it solo birth because she did then. Courage, woman. That, though I reaffirm in my advice and keep thinking that what you want is very difficult and can only tell you, in conscience, which has helped me, in fact you are not a nini, or you're lost. What's more, if the people your age were like you this generation would be known as that ate the world. But you're the exception, sister, and not the rule at all.
and others, assume the truth. Things are not like you sold them, the brick boom is over, we are in crisis, and allhe world has the same title as you or better, and everyone has the same experience or more. So, I'm sorry, stop thinking that you are lawyers or architects, and that you are not to photocopy or fry potatoes at McDonald's, or if two years ago
Rabais cob € 2,000 the work now going to work for 850, and get on the block for anything. and, hence, to increase and improve , there is nothing ignoble or shameful in this work and start from below is not resigned to stay down.
Curran, I went into RRFG making photocopies because my CategoryA positions nothabíao did not want me in them, and better than I was Director of Quality of the same company within a year after entering. Think of that as time goes by your colleagues will be increasingly fewer choices and fewer opportunities, and if you move now, not just end up eating the few herbs that cast Her today, but when you do you'll have more experience and you will be more qualified than them. The decline today to accept the post you can find in two years that you are the coordinator .
Business Acrisis is working out more, not less. Assuming that is what you get, finish with your cognitive dissonance and succeed. I feel that you feel cheated, but will not get anything waiting for the promises come true that no man did. A fit and if not, says Julius Caesar in his blog, to migrate in search of greener pastures. That, as they say in my time, "more daggers da l'hunger
Alium, aqua et resin.
(1) Vale of something else, but not both. Someone disappoint & eacutee;, but against what he believes some people in the scene do not swim in the ambulance. The truth is, all things considered, I do not know if Zalasar, speaking of jobs " two thousand euros per month " means "the people who live so well that it knows what that we "or" those who came more than mediocre. "
(2) admit the possible exception of the War of Independence of the United States.
(3) is often cited as an example of successful revolution the French Revolution. In fact, his only success was that among all the blood shed will include the royal family, children and everything. Inmoment of truth came the French of the States General with Louis XVI to anarchy, to Robespierre's Reign of Terror, the personal dictatorship of Napoleon Bonaparte and, finally, to undo everything done and bring back to the Bourbons in the person of Louis XVIII. The revolution failed in less than ten years and was buried in less than a generation. The ideas behind the Revolution , however, were implanted slowly, gradually, until it evolve without an R, the Europe of the XIX. But it was the Revolution that brought this change, but rather what he did was delay ahogándolor blood.